Sturdy Option
H.D.P. toilet partitions, showers, and dressing compartments are expertly crafted from high-density polymer resin, guaranteeing a vibrant solid color throughout. Unlike other materials, H.D.P compartments are impervious to rust, rot, delamination, and odors. Now available in a variety of finish textures including the classic Orange Peel Finish. Completely water-resistant, these products are the ultimate choice for any moisture-rich environment, making them perfect for shower and dressing areas as well as toilet partitions.
Construction Details
Panels, Pilasters & Doors - Shall be 1" thick solid high density polyethylene formed under pressure. All edges to be machined radius and all sharp edges removed.
Floor Mounted Overhead Braced - Pilasters are to be anchored to the floor with heavy gauge angle. Top of pilasters to be securely braced with extruded aluminum headrail with integral crown loafer rail.
Floor Mounted - Not Available
Headrail -To be 1 7/8" x 1 5/32" x 1/16" with integral crown loafer rail, extruded aluminum heat-treated and anodized with necessary fittings.
Ceiling Hung - Pilasters are to be anchored to overhead member (which member is to be supplied by others) with standard threaded rod, hex nuts and washers to provided vertical adjustment and necessary strength.
Floor to Ceiling Mounted - Pilasters are to be anchored to the floor and ceiling with heavy gauge angle.
Hardware - Surface Mounted Aluminum Slide Latch, Coat Hook, Aluminum Wrap Around Hinge Assembly and Aluminum Door Stop & Keeper. Stainless Steel available at additional cost.
Fittings - Wall connection brackets for panels and pilasters to be high strength heavy chrome plated. Pilaster trim to be 3" high..031 stainless steel. All hardware and fittings to be secured with chrome plated one-way vandal-proof sex bolts or No. 14 plated-steel metal screws of proper lengths. Stainless Steel and continuous aluminum brackets available at additional cost.